Audio episodes from The Funambulist podcast transmitted in loop in the Cross Talk installation, curated by Sónia Vaz Borges and Léopold Lambert
Áudio-episódios do podcast The Funambulist são transmitidos em loop na instalação Cross Talk, com curadoria de Sónia Vaz Borges e Léopold Lambert.

episode of the moment
[01.08 - 18.08]An Internationalist Front Against Border Imperialism
Harsha Walia

next episode 

[19.08 - 01.09]
Black Internationalism from Bermuda and Africa to the Oceanian Struggles
Quito Swan

full radio programme
[17.04 - 30.04]
The Beginning of a Perfect Decolonial Moment
Ruth Wilson Gilmore

[01.05 - 15.05]
[01.07 - 14.07]
The "No-State Solution": Power of Imagination for the Palestinian Struggle
Sophia Azeb

Namibian History, Anticolonial Solidarities & Reparative Futurities
Zoé Samudzi

[16.05 - 30.05]
[15.07 - 31.07]
[16.09 - 30.09]
The Refugee Camp: An Extraterritorial Space of Exclusion
Sinthujan Varatharaiah

A Recent History of Indigenous Resistance in Turtle Island
Madonna Thunder Marcella Gilbert

[01.06 - 15.06]
[01.08 - 18.08]
[01.10 - 13.10]
An Internationalist Front Against Border Imperialism
Harsha Walia

Introduction to the Chagossian Struggle
Audrey Albert

[15.06 - 30.06]
[19.08 - 01.09]
[14.10 - 27.10]
Black Internationalism from Bermuda and Africa to the Oceanian Struggles
Quito Swan
Black Resistance to British Policing
Adam Elliott-Cooper

[28.10 - 17.11]
The Beginning of a Perfect Decolonial Moment
Ruth Wilson Gilmore

The "No-State Solution": Power of Imagination for the Palestinian Struggle
Sophia Azeb

Namibian History, Anticolonial Solidarities & Reparative Futurities
Zoé Samudzi

The Refugee Camp: An Extraterritorial Space of Exclusion
Sinthujan Varatharajah

A Recent History of Indigenous Resistance in Turtle Island
Madonna Thunder Marcella Gilbert
An Internationalist Front Against Border Imperialism
Harsha Walia

Introduction to the Chagossian Struggle
Audrey Albert

Black Internationalism from Bermuda and Africa to the Oceanian Struggles
Quito Swan

Black Resistance to British Policing
Adam Elliott-Cooper

[18.11 - 24.11]
The Beginning of a Perfect Decolonial Moment
Ruth Wilson Gilmore


by Mónica de Miranda, Sónia Vaz Borges and Vânia Gala Portugal Pavilion at 60th International Art Exhibition -  La Biennale di Venezia 2024
por Mónica de Miranda, Sónia Vaz Borges e Vânia Gala
Pavilhão de Portugal na 60ª Exposição Internacional de Arte - La Biennale di Venezia 2024

Exhibition Paper

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Radio Program
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 Radio Program [en]
 Programma Radio [it]
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#BiennaleArte2024 #StranieriOvunque #ForeignersEverywhere #VeniceBiennale #dgartes #pavilhaoportugal2024 #PortugalPavilion #MonicadeMiranda #SoniaVazBorges #VaniaGala #Greenhouse2024 

Palazzo Franchetti, San Marco, Venice
    20.04.- 24.11.2024
    Tue. to Sun.: 10:00-18:00

Closed on Mondays except:
22 April, 17 June, 22 July, 2 and 30 September, 18 November

Fechado às segundas-feiras exceto:
22 abril, 17 junho, 22 julho, 2 e 30 setembro, 18 novembro